My Grandfather "Pop" always could smell a skunk before he ever showed himself. Must of been a spiritual gift because I never smelled the skunk before it was to late! Many close encounters.
I remember one time when a certain relgious cult came to our door when I was spending the summer with Pop and he said "Son, I smell a skunk." He was right.
I remember another time when a vacuum cleaner salesman came to his door in the late 70's and tried to sell him a vacuum cleaner. He didn't even have carpet. He said, "I knew I smelt a skunk" , when the dude left.
Pop had a nose for skunks.
I think I can smell a skunk today. It is the HB 1366 in the North Carolina legislature .
It is commonly known as the HB 1366 - School Violence Prevention Act
Or the Bullying Bill.
The House passed it last year. The Senate also passed it but took out the "enumeration language". This language lists certain groups not to be bullied.
There are more than 15 characteristics listed in the bill, including academic status, race, color and religion and sexual oreintation...etc
Mark Creech of the Christian Action League stated "The fact of the matter is no enumerations could cover all the bullying scenarios and none are needed to provide the essential protections for North Carolina’s children."
Creech goes on to say "The evil of this legislation is that it elevates “sexual orientation” and “gender identity or expression” on the same levels with the enumerations of race, color, ancestry, national origin, gender, physical appearance, mental, physical, or sensory disability,” which clearly are immutable or unchangeable characteristics."
Why mention any group. What is behind the "list".
One Gay rights leader said, "Bullying policies are stronger with the descriptions," said Ian Palmquist, executive director of the gay-rights group Equality North Carolina.
I agree with State Board of Education Chairman Howard Lee who says the list of enumerated classifications, including “sexual orientation,” in the conference report on HB 1366—School Violence Prevention Act is unnecessary. “There is no need for a proposed law on bullying to list reasons, including sexual orientation, why a student might be bullied, said Howard Lee, chairman of the state school board,” the article reads. It also quotes Chairman Lee as saying, “Bullying is bullying.... I don't care who it's against and under what circumstances."
Why does the Bill mention specific groups at all. I smell a skunk.
Contact Ray Warren your local represenative with your concerns. He represents you and your convictions. He needs to hear from you. Ray is a good man and I believe Ray will represent your views.
To contact Mr. Warren:
Represenative Warren I smell a skunk what do you smell?
1 comment:
Satan and Gay rights leader Ian Palmquist, are skunks trying to deceive all that they can. Ian Palmquist is looking for a way to put an approval on gay lifestyle, to attract and deceive all that they can suck into their gay group. We don't need such a Bulling Policie,no one should Bully any one. Pray for those who think that they are gay, they are not gay, and they were not born gay either. I think it's an evil spirit that came upon them and they did not reject it. I believe that through prayer and fasting, this evil spirit can be broken, and their soul saved, cleansed pure and forgiven by Jesus Christ.
No we do not want to make the Bulling Policy list specifics such as sex, race, gay, etc. Satan is BUSY isn't he, we should be BUSIER.
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