Tuesday, June 16, 2009

J. Ligon Duncan III on Women Pastors

God teaches in the Bible that He gives spiritual leadership in the Church to qualified male elders, and thus restricts the teaching office of the church to men who meet the range of qualifications He has established in the Word.

Let me just say something about that statement. You notice that it emphasizes that the qualification for church office is not just that you are male and you have a brain. The qualification is that you are male and that you meet the rest of the qualifications for eldership. There's a long list of them, and being a male is only one of them. So, it's not just a male versus female thing. It's qualified males to hold this particular office. So let me say that one more time. God teaches in the Bible that He gives spiritual leadership in the church to qualified male elders and thus restricts the teaching office in the church to men who meet the range of qualifications He has established in the Word. Consequently, the ministry of preaching and teaching in the church is undelegatably vested in the men who serve as the elders of the church.

Then he states: There are at least five NT passages that explicitly establish an all-male teaching office in the Church.
1 Timothy 2:8-15
1 Timothy 3:1-2, 4 and 12
Titus 1: 5-6
1 Corinthians 11:5-10
1 Corinthians 14:34

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