Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Abortion and our next President

How do the Presidential candidates stand on abortion, Today's post will address Barack's view.

Regardless of how you feel about Barack Obama he is very upfront about Abortion.
Barack Obama said this recently “I will never back down from making sure that women have their reproductive rights here in this country. That’s what’s at stake in this election.”

Below is Dr. Alveda King's take on abortion as reported by William McGurn.

William McGurn of the Wall Street Journal talks about Barack Obama and his appearance at the NAACP meeting last week
(taken from Dewey Burke's blog)

“For one thing, the first African-American to head the presidential ticket of a major party was on hand. Yet there was another interesting appearance that went mostly unmentioned. This was a protest by African-American pro-lifers – many NAACP members – who can’t understand why America’s most venerated civil rights organization turns a blind eye to what they say is the abortion industry’s practice of targeting poor minority neighborhoods.”

Among the pro-life demonstrators was Dr. Alveda King, a niece of the Rev. Martin Luther King. Dr. Alveda King had two abortions before converting to a pro-life position. The article records King’s description of her own experience.

“I remember when I was pregnant and considering a third abortion. I went to Daddy King [her grandfather and Martin Luther King's father]. He told me, ‘that’s a baby, not a blob of tissue.’ Unfortunately, 14 million African-Americans are not here today because of legalized abortion. It’s as if a plague swept through America’s cities and towns and took one of every four of us.”

Alveda King’s concerns are not misplaced. Abortion-on-demand in America in fact does take a disproportionate number of lives from black babies. While 1 out of about every 5 white pregnancies end in abortion, it’s nearly 1 out of every 2 for African-American pregnancies. So isn’t this an issue that the NAACP should take up?

Dr. Alveda King has a website where she eloquently makes the point about what is at stake:

‘We have been fueled by the fire of “women’s rights,” so long that we have become deaf to the outcry of the real victims whose rights are being trampled upon, the babies and the mothers. . . . What about the rights of each baby who is artificially breached before coming to term in his or her mother’s womb, only to have her skull punctured, and feel, yes agonizingly “feel” the life run out of her before she takes her first breath of freedom. What about of the rights of these women who have been called to pioneer the new frontiers of the new millennium only to have their lives snuffed out before the calendar even turns?

‘Oh, God, what would Martin Luther King, Jr., who dreamed of having his children judged by the content of their characters do if he’d lived to see the contents of thousands of children’s skulls emptied into the bottomless caverns of the abortionists pits?

‘It is time for America, perhaps the most blessed nation on earth to lead the world in repentance, and in restoration of life! . . . Abortion is at the forefront of our destruction. Partial Birth Abortion is perhaps the most heinous form of this legal genocide. . . . The only healing and redemption is in the blood of Jesus, blood willingly shed so that we could stand today and cry out for the blood of the unborn that is drenching the land of our children.

‘. . . [Martin Luther] King [Jr.] once said, “The Negro cannot win as long as he is willing to sacrifice the lives of his children for comfort and safety.” How can the “Dream” survive if we murder the children? Every aborted baby is like a slave in the womb of his or her mother. . . . If the Dream of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. is to live, our babies must live. Our mothers must choose life. If we refuse to answer the cry of mercy from the unborn, and ignore the suffering of the mothers, then we are signing our own death warrants.

‘I too, like Martin Luther King, Jr., have a dream. I have a dream that the men and women, the boys and girls of America will come to our senses, and humble ourselves before God Almighty and pray for mercy, and receive His healing grace. I pray that this is the day, the hour of our deliverance. May God have mercy on us all.’


Anonymous said...

We don't want to vote for a man in who is for abortion, for raising taxes, and is in experienced on foreign war.
We do want to vote for the experienced HERO, who knows more about what to do, and how to protect our country from terrorist. Do you want terrorist and other countries bombing us here in America? Vote for the man who does not want to raise taxes and will not make abortion legal. How can you vote for a man who would kill an inocent child?
This is just how Satan is at work(another skunk) to bring America down and destroy a beautiful nation, if you vote Obama in as president.
Vote for the right man, McCain
Let GOD continue to Bless America. God will take care of the economy after I get my Palace, HA! HA! HA!Pray very much for God to BLESS our country with the right man for our president. God Bless America!!!

Anonymous said...

First of all I am very disappointed in our choices for President. I am not an Obama fan but whoever is elected president will have to raise taxes to pay for the enormous dept especially from the past 8 years. I do not believe in abortion, I believe every child is a precious gift from God and deserves the right to live. But, abortion is already legal......Did George Bush make it illegal?? NO, he did not. You can say your for or against something all you want but will you do something about it?? Bush didn't but maybe McCain will, I doubt is though.