Saturday, January 17, 2009

Does it matter what we preach as long as people are coming?

Have you ever experienced Joel's Christianity?

No pain. No poverty. No problems.
Sounds more like Tony Robbins than the Gospel of Jesus.


Worshipper said...

OK, I watched the video and read John 6 and Matt. 13.

There were many who heard and did not believe, just as we see today. There are those who hear you, assuming you are a pastor, me and everyone else and just think we are confused.

Where does this scripture and that video prove that the Osteen "theology" is incorrect? All he is saying is that things go well for Christ's kids. Now, he never says that, as far as I can tell, sin separates us from God, which is a key factor. But, things do seem to go well if I am keeping a short record of sin and repenting of my sin (which an important detail that he leaves out).

Is it that his message is incomplete, or that is is incorrect? Things do seem to go well if we are living for God and come to Him. (Jn. 6:35)

Jamie Steele said...

The context of John 6 and Matt. 13 is: people followed for the wrong reasons.
And when Jesus gave the demands for following, most left Him.

John 6 Jesus said "You just want bread and food."
Don't follow me for this reason.
and in John 6:66 many followed no more..

Joel is preaching a loaves and fish theology.
Where in the Bible does it say we will not live in poverty if we are saved or never get sick or our problems will be gone.

Please show me because the Apostle Paul wrote two thirds of the NT from a prison.
and he never mentioned this "Health and wealth" theology Joel preaches every week.

By the way John 6:35 has nothing to do with food or water.
Because the crowd following said
"On hearing it, many of his disciples said, "This is a hard teaching. Who can accept it?"

I think i boils down to why do you follow Jesus. Jesus always asked people this question. Why are you following
He even gave his disciples the opportunity to leave.
John 6:67

Paul told Timothy to preach the Word.
Joel doesn't. I am not picking on him and i have heard him many times. It is just the truth.

It seems as if Joel has made a God of his own making which is breaking a Commandment if i am not wrong.

Worshipper said...

Well, yes they are following for the wrong reasons, as some do, and I never stated that John 6:35 was about food. That is ludicrous. The allusion to hunger and thirst (bread and water) is an apt metaphor of God's providing in Christ the means of human redemption.

Many could see that as an "I will never need" theology and I guess that is what you are saying that Joel is implying. He needs to speak the truth in love and not the love without the truth because that is not love.

Well, grasshopper, it has been fun. I too, agree that there are theological imperfections with the Osteen deal. I believe that Jesus is the only way to heaven and that He died for our sins and that man is deprived and bound for hell if we do no turn to Christ by grace through faith.

You and I have the same theology, and I know what you believe. I just stumbled across the post and (no offense to you) it seemed to be one-sided. It needed some excitement and proof. The argument was not validated.

Jamie Steele said...

Word up!