Monday, August 17, 2009

Insecure Leadership Part 2

John Maxwell lists the 10 "core characteristics" of an insecure leader.

1.) They are hungry for control (empowering others or delegating
responsibility scares them!).

2.) They fear public failure or embarrassment.

3.) They avoid risk.

4.) They don't open up in relationships for fear of rejection.

5.) They don't work with 10s or topnotch people (fear of being upstaged,
so prefers to be surrounded by mediocrity).

6.) They resist change (status quo helps them maintain control).

7.) They're incapable of nurturing the people they lead.

8.) They stay within their comfort zone.

9.) They view people and situations through their mirror of insecurities.

10.) They produce an environment where insecurities abound.

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