Monday, August 4, 2008


To forgive is to turn the key, open the cell door and let the prisoner out.
To forgive is to write in large letters across a debt "nothing owed."
To forgive is to pound the gavel in a courtroom and say "not guilty."
To forgive is to shoot an arrow so high and so far that it can never be found again.
To forgive is to bundle up all the garbage and all the trash and dispose of it, leaving the house clean and fresh.
To forgive is to loose the moorings of a ship and release it to the open sea.
To forgive is to grant a full pardon to a condemned criminal.
To forgive is to relax a strangle hold on a wrestling opponent and give him his life.
To forgive is to sandblast a wall of graffiti, leaving it looking like new.
To forgive is to smash a clay pot into a thousand pieces so that it can never be put together again.
This matter of forgiveness is very important and it's right at the very crux of your spiritual health and mine.
(John McArthur)

Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. Colossians 3:13


Anonymous said...

Forgiveness is so sweet to receive, sometimes really hard to give, always worth the effort. When we forgive it is then that we are most like God.

Jamie Steele said...

Are you still riding your bike?