Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Carl Trueman on Worship

Carl Trueman gives his thoughts on serious worship in the church. What do you think?

“A church service involving clowns or fancy dress or skits or stand-up comedy does not reflect the seriousness of the gospel; and those who take the gospel seriously should know better. Frankly, it is more appropriate to liberal theology which does not take the gospel, or the God of the gospel, seriously. Serious things demand serious idioms. I heard recently of a church service involving dressing up in costume and music taken from a Tom Cruise movie. Now, if I go for my annual prostate examination, and the doctor comes into the consulting room dressed as Coco the Clown, with `Take my breath away’ from Top Gun playing in the background, guess what? I’m going to take the doctor out with a left hook, flee the surgery, and probably file a complaint with the appropriate professional body. This is serious business; and if he looks like a twit and acts like a twit, then I can only conclude that he is a twit.”


hubnor said...


Where do you find these people? While worship is very serious the means of conveying that worship may vary greatly. For him to put worship into liberal or conservative theology does not work. A person can consevative in their theology and creative in their way of worship and the opposite may be true. True worship starts within the heart of the individual worshipper and how it manifest itself may take different forms. What takes place within a service must have an element of worship for the Christian and an element to reach those in the service which may not be a Christian. OK now you finally got response. It is time for Joel's daily devotion.

Jamie Steele said...

Great comment. Pass that daily devotion on to me when you are done. :)